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EQ Plus Motivation Profile
EQPlus™ Motivation Profile is a deep and immediately actionable tool that can easily shed light on which Intrinsic Motivators are supporting a person’s success – and which are getting in their way. 
This information enables individuals to make a powerful shift to be more successful and support others in upping their own success, as well as their team’s and organization’s performance. 
The Key Facts 
  • Intrinsic Motivation is the emotional intelligence skill which is the strongest predictor of individual performance outcomes in Africa (60%), Asia Pacific (67%), Europe (60%), Middle East (60%), North America (63%) Six Seconds, State of the Heart 2018
  • Intrinsic Motivation of employees is a key factor in determining long-term success of teams and organizations 
The Profile begins with a snapshot of the person’s Drive Style, Driving Forces and Ascending Drivers and then offers in-depth feedback on that person’s areas of strength and areas of opportunity within a framework of their Success Factors.
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