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EQ Plus Motivation Profile

EQPlus™ Motivation Profile is a deep and immediately actionable tool that can easily shed light on which Intrinsic Motivators are supporting a person’s success – and which are getting in their way.
This information enables individuals to make a powerful shift to be more successful and support others in upping their own success, as well as their team’s and organization’s performance.
The Key Facts
Intrinsic Motivation is the emotional intelligence skill which is the strongest predictor of individual performance outcomes in Africa (60%), Asia Pacific (67%), Europe (60%), Middle East (60%), North America (63%) Six Seconds, State of the Heart 2018
Intrinsic Motivation of employees is a key factor in determining long-term success of teams and organizations
The Profile begins with a snapshot of the person’s Drive Style, Driving Forces and Ascending Drivers and then offers in-depth feedback on that person’s areas of strength and areas of opportunity within a framework of their Success Factors.
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