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SEI Assessment

The Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessment (SEI®) is a suite of well validated, effective assessments, used globally, that measure Emotional Intelligence.
The SEI is unique because it’s not just feedback, it delivers a process framework that equips people to actually use and develop their Emotional Intelligence.
The Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence is a three-step process:
1. Self Awareness – gain insight into yourself
2. Self Management – be intentional, to choose to respond
3. Self Direction – Connect with others and build on direction / purpose
The SEI model is made up of 8 specific, measurable competencies and measures
4 key success factors, our outcomes:
Effectiveness– capacity to generate results
Relationships– capacity to build and maintain networks
Wellbeing – capacity to maintain optimal energy and functioning
Quality of Life– capacity to maintain balance and satisfaction
of these leadership outcomes can be predicted by Emotional Intelligence (Six Seconds)
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