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The Powerbase
Our philosophy is very simple: the success of any organisation lies in engaging and nurturing it’s very lifeblood and true “base of power” .... each and every team member.

“You don’t build a business, you build people and the people build a business”
Zig Ziglar
Many organisations are skilled in attracting and recruiting talented people with industry specific skills and knowledge. This enables them to compete on a level playing field with others within the competitive frame.
But to transform these into world class operators, able to embrace change and to achieve sustainable success, 3 vital elements must be prioritised .....
The Power of 3
Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Three Musketeers, Three Blind Mice, Three Wise Men, Earth, Wind and Fire ...many good things come in threes and have done for a long time. The Latin phrase ‘omne trium perfectum’ (everything that comes in threes is perfect) proves that this is not a new concept.
The rule of three is used as a guideline in storytelling, communication, advertising, joke telling and in art and design. It is a proven principle that any message is stronger, more effective and more memorable when it comes in three parts.

It is, then, no accident that the Powerbase framework for organisational success comprises 3 foundational pillars:
▲ Emotional Intelligence in Leaders and Teams
▲ Effective Communication
▲ Complete Team Wellbeing

Our Clients

The Powerbase
Powerbase Consulting DWC LLC
DWC Business Centre
Dubai Aviation City-Logistics City
P.O.Box 390667
Direct/ Fax: +971 (0) 4 887 82 91
Mobile: +971 50283 1945
Central: +971 (0) 4 806 35 33

For any general enquiries, please fill in the following contact form:

+971(0) 4 887 8291
+971(0) 50 283 1945
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